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Pacific American School

關於亞太美國學校 Pacific American School




About PAS:

PAS is a school founded on love, specifically a parent’s love for her children. 15 years ago, Pamela Chu was confronted with a dilemma. Like all parents, she wanted the best education for her children, but the available models in mainstream education, both public and private, were simply not enough. She wanted something more, something that would equip her children with a modern toolkit that their future demands.

With that, Pamela began researching on the most progressive pedagogies in education. She personally curated the curriculum and began homeschooling them. Gradually, other parents began expressing their wish to “join the cause”. This led to Pamela’s decision to embrace more students. Unbeknownst to her, that crucial first step to take her children out of the “system” ultimately led to PAS’ journey in becoming the unique international school that it is today.

At PAS, we believe students can reach their full potential if they’re inspired and challenged to take on a path that is uniquely their own. We believe students would be better served if we focused on an education that gives them the tools and not the solutions. We believe teachers are facilitators rather than providers of knowledge. Having sent thousands of students to renowned colleges and universities of their choice, we are privileged to see our alums blossom in diverse fields all over the world. PAS has been the right choice for countless that came before and we hope it is the right choice for you.


1. 外國護照彩色影本

2. 線上填寫申請表(學校官網)

3. 以前學校的成績單(英文)

4. 英文考試評量

5. 健康檢查

6. 大頭照兩張

How to Apply:

1. Color photocopy of foreign passport.

2. Fill in the application form online (school official website).

3. Transcripts from previous schools (in English).

4. English test assessment.

5. Health check.

6. Two headshots.

No. 307, Section 1, Xinglong Road, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, 302 (302新竹縣竹北市興隆路一段307號)
The copyright of all pictures on this page belong to Pacific American School.
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