Kang Qiao International School

關於康橋國際學校Welcome to Kang Chiao Interantional School
我們致力於提供教育,讓每個學生在各領域的發展:學術、心理、情感、精神和社交,並在未來能夠為社會付出貢獻。 我們以雙語教育為起點,以國際化為目標,培養學生具有國際視野的競爭力;以資訊教育為起點,以科技化為目標,藉由光纖e化的先進資訊設備,培養具備蒐集、分析、綜合、判斷、評鑑及解決問題等「關鍵能力」。We are committed to providing an education which allows each student to develop his/her full being in all areas of human development – academic, physical, emotional, spiritual and social, to interact as critical and compassionate thinkers, and to become responsible members of our global society. We aim to achieve this through a challenging, comprehensive and balanced curriculum based on the American educational system and a student-centered teaching approach with emphasis on traditional values.
1.戶口名簿或ARC(外國人)的影本{TM}2.前一所學校的最新成績單{TM}3.校車服務申請表(如有需要){TM}4.付款書籍費(不可退還){TM}5.學費支付{TM}6.制服費{TM} Kang Qiao Admissions Procedure: http://www.kcis.com.tw/admissions_index.html